Pressure is a Privilege: How to stop making excuses and take action

Pressure is a Privilege: How to stop making excuses and take action


We’re all in a race. The pressure, the deadlines, the competition. For Olympian Sarah Wells, it was a literal race at the Olympic Games and on the popular TV show The Amazing Race. In the corporate world, it’s not much different. While every scenario may be unique, we all have pressure to move quickly, push boundaries, beat out the competition, and win! In this session, Sarah shares her 3 steps to getting into momentum, harnessing pressure, and creating action plans that get you to your finish line. Sarah’s energetic approach, engaging stories, and her capacity to inspire an audience will leave them ready to take action and win the only race that matters – theirs!

Olympian Sarah Wells — Motivational Speaker

Olympian Sarah Wells

Olympian and Founder of Impact Leadership

Olympian & Keynote Speaker Sarah Wells

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